First Presbyterian Church, also known as Old South, is a Presbyterian congregation in Newburyport, Massachusetts that is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The self-declared mission of the church (as of 2007) is to be “a biblically grounded Presbyterian Church seeking to be true to our rich historical heritage by providing a community of worship for all who wish to embrace a faith-centered life in the Christian tradition.” The current pastor is the Revd Rob John.
The congregation began meeting in the 1750s, following the ministry of the Methodist evangelist and preacher George Whitefield in the region. He died in Newburyport in 1770 and his remains were buried under the pulpit of the meeting house at his request.
The bell in the clock tower was cast by Paul Revere.
Among the notable people to attend church were "Lord" Timothy Dexter, Capt. Abraham Wheelwright, Isaac Wheelwright, Caleb Cushing, Adolphus Greely, and Samuel Tufts.